Thursday 27 September 2012

First smiles from Noah.

26th September 2011

We were so lucky to get the first time Noah smiled on camera. I had just changed his nappy and was pulling funny faces at him when he just beamed at us. Luckily my phone was just behind me and I managed to get a photo of him doing it again. It was such an amazing moment, certainly something I shall treasure forever. It is these moments that make all the hard and difficult times easier to cope with, and there was plenty of difficult times. Even now Noah can be acting like a cheeky monkey and he only has to smile at me and it makes everything okay. 

Bathtime smiles! Noah absolutely loves bathtime!

Tuesday 25 September 2012

First trip out in the pram.

Below is a photo of of the first time we took Noah out in his pram, he was five days old and I can remember being really nervous that he would be too cold. I wrapped him up so warmly!

Daddy looking so proud!

As you can see there was a light rain falling, so we put the rain cover on the pram, what a laborious job that was! You needed two people to get that rain cover on and off, and there was only one certain way it could be done, we finally got the hang of it though. I can remember walking down to Tesco (where I worked) and my  friends wanting a cuddle of Noah. I had to tell them that they could cuddle him when it wasn't raining, because I couldn't get the rain cover on and off very well! They must have thought I was mad.

Sunday 23 September 2012

The day Noah was born.

Noah's very first photo.

He was about half an hour old in this photo, I had just been wheeled out of theatre (very traumatic!) and met him properly for the first time. It was such a surreal experience, having been in labour for three days, followed by a weird epidural enhanced sleep, all of sudden I'm in a bright sterile room, with lots of doctors bustling around. I don't think I had quite readied myself for Noah actually being here. Kane had had about 20 mins alone with him while they were sorting me out, he said that Noah just lay in his arms looking right at him. At this point of course, he was just Baby Parry. We hadn't fully decided on what he was going to be called, we didn't know if he was going to be a boy or a girl!

Mummy and Noah in the recovery room.

Saturday 22 September 2012

Thinking back a year

There are six weeks to go until Baby Parry number 2 is due and I thought that it would be a nice idea to start a blog about our lives for family members who we do not see so often to be able to keep up to date. I cannot believe how quickly this pregnancy has progressed, not at all long before I am completely surrounded by boys! It is certainly making me think back 13 months to just before Noah was due.

Me in Snowdonia the day I was due. (19 Aug 2011)

It was a very anxious time, hoping that the baby would arrive before everybody went back home to London, he certainly knew how to make an entrance, or rather not, as the case turned out! I wonder what this baby has in store for me?! I am certainly much more relaxed about when he comes, although I haven't let myself think about the actually birth too much!

Noah just a few hours old. Born at 3.42am weighing 8lbs2oz